abstract business code coder
Origins of the World Wide Web

The World Wide Web (WWW), often abbreviated as the Web, is an integral part of our daily lives. It’s hard to imagine a world without it, where we can’t connect with people from around the world, learn new things, and even do our shopping from the comfort of our own homes. It feels like it’s always been there but it’s only 40 years old! Have you ever wondered how it all started?

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mathematical equation written on blackboard
Algebra! Why do I have to learn that?

I’ll never use algebra in real life!

We’ve all said it a thousand times but Algebra is important and can help us in our day-to-day lives.

Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with symbols and the rules of manipulating these symbols. At first glance, it may seem like a daunting subject, full of abstract concepts and complicated equations. However, learning algebra can be extremely valuable for everyday life, and can help you make better decisions, solve problems, and even save money.

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Group of people celebrating powder
Tackling Unconcious Bias in the Workplace

At its most basic level, unconscious bias is the idea that we all have unconscious preferences for specific people or things. This can be based on race, gender, age or any number of other characteristics that we might not even know about ourselves. Unconscious bias isn’t always a bad thing — it can help us to make quick decisions in complicated situations. However, if left unchecked it can lead to discrimination and exclusion of people who are different from us in some way (e.g., gender or disability).

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