Everyone who works in health or social care has to know how to keep people safe and meet their needs. The Care Certificate is a nationally recognised set of standards that detail the requirements and learning outcomes that social care and healthcare support workers are expected to be trained in before they can work unsupervised. It consists of 15 standards, that equip support workers with the knowledge and skills they need to perform their job role and deliver suitable care across the health and social care sectors.
The Care Certificate guarantees that every healthcare and social care professional possesses a uniform foundation of initial skills, behaviours, and knowledge. This ensures their ability to deliver empathetic care and support to a high standard and cement an understanding of their role within the workplace environment.
Please note that completing this course will help you achieve the knowledge element of the Care Certificate, you will still need to arrange a practical assessment through your employer to obtain a competency sign-off.
Why choose this course?
With motivating and engaging media and content-rich exercises, this course will make even the most complex of subjects easier to digest. With this course, you will have access to the following benefits:
- Developed alongside healthcare professionals and social care experts
- Skills for Care endorsed qualification
- Fully online course and assessment with no time limits
- Certificate of Completion
- Interactive exercises/gaming
- Media-rich content
- Interactive 3D Scenarios
- Relevant photography and illustrations
- multi-generational content and style
- and much more!
Learning Platform

Course Content
Written by leading experts in the field of Health and Social Care, the Care Certificate will cover the following 15 standards
Understand your role |
Your personal development |
Duty of care |
Equality and Diversity |
Work in a person-centered way |
Communication |
Privacy and dignity |
Fluids and nutrition |
Mental health, dementia and learning disability |
Safeguarding adults |
Safeguarding children |
Basic life support |
Health and Safety |
Handling information |
Work in a person-centred way |
Each standard should take between 30 – 60 minutes and is assessed by multiple-choice questions.
A completion certificate from Highfield Qualifications.
Please note that completing this course will help you achieve the knowledge element of the Care Certificate, you will still need to arrange a practical assessment through your employer to obtain a competency sign-off.
Who should take this course?
Everyone starting work in the health or social care sector should complete the Care Certificate. It is suitable for anybody who is working towards a practical observation for the Care Certificate, giving them the knowledge they require to fulfil their role.
It is expected that health and social care professionals complete the Care Certificate if they are new to care, being inducted as a Health Care Assistant, an Assisstant Practitioner or a Care Support Worker, Healthcare Support Work (HCSW) or Adult Social Care Worker (ASSCW), or provide direct care in a nursing home, residential home, a homeworker or work in hospice.
The intention of this regulation is to make sure that providers deploy enough suitably qualified, competent and experienced staff to enable them to meet all other regulatory requirements described in this part of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. To meet the regulation, providers must provide sufficient numbers of suitably qualified, competent, skilled and experienced staff to meet the needs of the people using the service at all times and the other regulatory requirements set out in this part of the above regulations. Staff must receive the support, training, professional development, supervision and appraisals that are necessary for them to carry out their role and responsibilities. They should be supported to obtain further qualifications and provide evidence, where required, to the appropriate regulator to show that they meet the professional standards needed to continue to practise.
Care Quality Commission (CQC) Regulation 18(2)(a) of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014